Ryan Holiday
Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author and Renowned Media Strategist

Holiday is part Machiavelli, part Ogilvy, and all results... This whiz kid is the secret weapon you've never heard of.
Ryan Holiday is the renowned media strategist behind celebrity authors Tucker Max and Timothy Ferriss. After dropping out of college at 19 to apprentice under the strategist Robert Greene (The 48 Laws of Power), he went on to advise many bestselling authors and multi-platinum musicians. His book Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising explains the growth hacker mindset and overnight success of companies like Dropbox, Facebook, AirBnb, and Twitter.
Holiday is also a highly engaging and inspiring speaker. His new book The Daily Stoic distills the ancient wisdom of the stoic philosophers into 366 meditations meant to enrich and enliven our daily lives. In his work, Ego Is the Enemy, Holiday shows how “the battle against ego must be fought on many fronts,” and provides helpful examples of major figures who’ve achieved success by eschewing the spotlight and putting the greater good above their own egos. It’s hit the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail bestsellers lists and is an Amazon top-ten seller.
In The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph, Holiday shows us how to turn obstacles into advantages, inspired by a timeless set of philosophical principles used by icons from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart, Richard Wright to Steve Jobs. Forbes calls it “an inspiring read for anyone faced with adversity” that can “save years of future angst.” Publishers Weekly argues that “Holiday’s performance is commanding and optimistic, sure to inspire readers to take new perspective on their apparent obstacles.” It has so far sold over 230,000 copies.
Holiday is the former Director of Marketing at American Apparel, where his work in advertising is internationally known. He is a media columnist for The New York Observer, and his other writings appear in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Fast Company, Thought Catalog, and The Columbia Journalism Review, among others. Holiday’s first book, Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator, a tell-all expose of modern online journalism, is a Wall Street Journal bestseller and an Amazon Editor’s Best Book of the Month.
Articles by Ryan Holiday
Dear Creatives: Marketing Is Your Job
Ryan HolidayIn an interview, the novelist Ian McEwan once complained light-heartedly about what it was like to go out and market a book after spending all the time creating it: “I feel like the wretched employee of my former self.
The Entrepreneur's Secret Weapon: Persistence
Ryan HolidayFor nearly a year with next to no luck, General Ulysses S. Grant tried to crack the defenses of Vicksburg, a city perched high on the cliffs of the Mississippi critical to the Confederacy’s stranglehold on the most important river in the United States.
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