Nancy Duarte
Communication Expert & Bestselling Author of Slide:ology & Resonate

“Storytelling, empathy, and creativity are fundamental to the way we communicate, learn, and grow. Resonate teaches us how to access and master these gifts in meaningful and productive ways.
Nancy Duarte is a communication expert who has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, Wired, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times and on CNN. Her firm, Duarte, Inc., has created more than a quarter of a million presentations for the world’s most influential businesses, institutions, causes, and authors. As a persuasion specialist Nancy developed a unique methodology, which applies storytelling and visual thinking principles to business communications that shift audience beliefs and behaviors. Her latest book, The HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations, is currently HBR’s most purchased guidebook.
Duarte, Inc. is the largest design firm in Silicon Valley, as well as the fifth largest female employer in the area. Nancy has won several prestigious awards for communications and entrepreneurship, and was awarded “Entrepreneur of the Year” by the University of Southern Mississippi in 2013. She has been a speaker at a number of Fortune 500 companies and top business schools, and teaches classes at Stanford University several times a year.
Nancy has 20 years of experience working with global companies and thought leaders, and her firm has influenced how the world perceives some of the most important brands, including Apple, Cisco, Facebook, GE, Google, HP, TED, Twitter, and the World Bank. Nancy is the author of three award-winning books. The HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations provides tips to help business communicators create powerful messages and visuals, win over tough crowds, and strike the right tone in any situation.
Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences identifies the hidden story structures inherent in great communication, and spent more than 300 days on Amazon’s Top 100 Business Book bestsellers list. Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations teaches readers to think visually and has been translated into eight languages.
Nancy has three grown children who walk in their destiny and a husband who has loved her for over 30 years. She has two grand-dogs, Bear and Necessity.
Videos featuring Nancy Duarte View All
Understanding Your Customers
Nancy DuarteOne of the struggles of a communicator is the internal pressures of what is being demanded that you convey. You’ve got your boss saying you’ve got to say it this way, you’ve got the attributes of the product that you’re trying to launch, and then your own objectives.
Spreading Your Idea
Nancy DuarteTo get an idea to be repeated and spread you first have to have a really good idea or at least frame it in a way that makes it sound alluring, like it’s a good idea.
Empathy in Marketing
Nancy DuarteThe art of marketing is when you have empathy for the audience that you’re talking to. It’s part art, but I think it’s actually part science too. You have to create a bond, this moment, especially when you’re a presenter and you’re there and in person.
Transforming Your Audience
Nancy DuarteThe thing that we love about stories so much is that humans love to observe the transformation of other humans. That’s what we love so much and that’s what enraptures us with a story.
Visioning as a Leader
Nancy DuarteAs a leader visioning is a really difficult process because what you’re doing is actually prophetically imagining a future that doesn’t exist. You can make that future as amazing or as constrained as what you think your own limitation is.
Storytelling & Marketing
Nancy DuarteEven illiterate and preliterate generations could pass on their culture, their beliefs, their morals, and their laws and it stayed completely intact through verbal communication before they could even write it down.
Marketers Need to Learn from Their Sales Team
Nancy DuarteThere’s always this kind of weird tension between sales and marketing; where you know sales can blame marketing for not bringing the right material to the table and marketing can be mad that sales are not using the material they think will work.
Articles by Nancy Duarte
Like Yoda You Must Be
Nancy DuarteDespite being famously grammar-challenged, Master Yoda has a thing or two to teach us about being a powerful presenter. No, it’s not sharing profound thoughts like: “Always in motion is the future....” (You don’t say!) Yoda’s secret is his role as a mentor.
Previous Events featuring Nancy Duarte
Review: The Art of Marketing - Vancouver 2014
The Art OfVancouver was buzzing about The Art of Marketing conference on March 19, 2014. The event returned with a very anticipated line up featuring some of the most well known names in marketing. Along with the excitement brought great conversation via our official hashtag: #TheArtOf .
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