Laura Vanderkam
Bestselling Author and Time Management Expert

Laura's recommendations for getting the most out of every day are often counter- intuitive but always realistic and manageable.
Laura Vanderkam is the author of I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time. Based on a time diary study of 1001 days in the lives of professional women and their families, this book takes a practical approach to the question of how people combine work and family while enjoying their own sweet time too.
Laura's newest book, Off the Clock will be available May 2018. She is also the author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast (2013), 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think (2010), and All the Money in the World: What the Happiest People Know About Wealth (2012).
Laura's 2016 TED talk, “How to Gain Control of Your Free Time,” has been viewed more than 5 million times. Her work has appeared in numerous publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Reader’s Digest, City Journal, Fortune, Fast Company, and Prevention.
She has appeared on numerous television programs, including The Today Show and Fox & Friends, hundreds of radio segments, and has spoken about time, money, and productivity to audiences of all sizes.
She blogs daily at
Videos featuring Laura Vanderkam
How can I get my day off to a good start?
Laura VanderkamPressing snooze is a lousy way to start your day. Not only is the sleep bad in little chunks of time, but your not getting up and starting your day either. It really is the worst of all worlds.
Articles by Laura Vanderkam
How to Exercise During The Workday If You Have An In-The-Office Job
Laura VanderkamI exercise every day. I think it’s one of the best time investments I make. Exercise energizes me, and makes me happier with the world. Life often seems more doable after a run than it does before.
7 Strategies for Feeling Less Busy While Getting More Done
Laura VanderkamThe internet is full of tips for making people more efficient. You could procrastinate for weeks by reading such articles, or books on how to be more productive. Since I write about these topics, I’ve waded through a lot of the literature.
Don't Fall into the 24-Hour Trap
Laura VanderkamI hear this refrain all the time: There aren’t enough hours in the day to get to everything I want to do. You put in a long day at work, but that means you don’t make it home for dinner. Or maybe you make it home for dinner, but then you don’t get to the gym.
Have you seen Laura Vanderkam speak? What did you think?