Jonathan Fields
Award-Winning Author, Entrepreneur & Founder of The Good Life Project

Let’s face it—the leap of faith required to follow a dream is usually accompanied by gut-wrenching, knee-quaking, soul-shaking fear. Jonathan Fields knows this—but instead of offering an empty pep talk, he delivers daily practices that can help you transform fear and uncertainty into confidence and creativity.
Jonathan Fields is an author, entrepreneur and speaker on a mission to help individuals and organizations cultivate the personal practices, workflow adaptations and environmental/cultural shifts needed to become more agile, creative and innovative and embrace action in the face of uncertainty with a greater sense of ease.
A former NYC mega-firm/SEC lawyer turned serial-entrepreneur, Fields founded two cutting-edge boutique lifestyle/fitness facilities – Sedona Private Fitness and Sonic Yoga – the latter in the shadow of 9-11 in Hell’s Kitchen, NY. He quickly grew both into industry-leading businesses, generating international media-attention and raising the bar for business, marketing and programming trends. He eventually sold both companies to focus on writing, training and speaking…and being a strongly present dad and husband.
His first book, Career Renegade: How to Make a Great Living Doing What You Love, was named a Top 10 Small Business Book by Small Business Trends and a Top 5 Summer Read by MSNBC’s Your Business.
Fields’ second book, Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for Brilliance (Portfolio Sept 2011), has generated extraordinary praise from the likes of Zappos’ Tony Hseih, Dan Pink, Gretchen Rubin, Steve Pressfield and dozens of other leaders in the worlds of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership. Its in-depth, provocative, and highly-practical approach to embracing uncertainty as a catalyst for innovation delivers the perfect message and set of tools for our times. And, 800-CEO-READ named Uncertainty the #1 Personal Development book of 2011.
Fields is regularly featured as an expert in the media, including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, FastCompany,, Entrepreneur, USA Today, Reuters, People, CNBC, FoxBusiness, CBS Radio, Vogue, Elle, How, Self, Fitness, People, O magazine and thousands of websites. BusinessWeek named him one of the 20 people every entrepreneur needs to follow on twitter.
When not writing, speaking or building something, you can usually find him dancing around his living room with his wife and daughter….and writing in the third person.
Videos featuring Jonathan Fields View All
Why Jonathan Fields Doesn't Compete With The Competition
Jonathan FieldsIt’s a shame when people ask me how to keep up with their competition.
Deciding What's Important
Jonathan FieldsOne of the most important things in my life to help going from bad busy to good busy is to get a really strong commitment to a mindfulness practice so everyday I actually start my day by sitting for 25 minutes and have a seeded mindfulness meditation practice.
The Importance of Taking Action
Jonathan FieldsSo executing on ideas really be challenged one in the most important things to do is eliminate ideas and tasks.
Managing Your Workload
Jonathan FieldsTime tends to be one of the biggest challenges for a lot of small business owners and entrepreneurs and there’s no doubt that you could spend every waking hour doing everything single thing possible.
Aligning Business and Life
Jonathan FieldsI think one of the biggest blind spots for small business owners is lack of alignment.
Growing Alongside Uncertainty
Jonathan FieldsMy 3 AM issue was mad desire to grow, to serve, to impact a lot of people.
Preparing for the Unknown
Jonathan FieldsThere’s a lot of different things that you can do to lean into uncertainty to harness force for good and not on it destroys and it’s funny that you probably the most intuitive things that people rejected him because if you too simple or exercise and meditation we now have a astonishing body...
Asking The Right Questions
Jonathan FieldsOne of the most common questions I think that I get asked is how do I grow my business.
What is #GoodBusy?
Jonathan FieldsWhat there are definitely two kinds of busy; there’s the busy where you wake up in the morning and you feel like your hair is on fire all day long, you’re checking things off of a checklist, but at the end of the day if somebody asked, "So what you do today?" You kind of think, “I don’t...
Financing Your Plans
Jonathan FieldsCash flow is one of the big crunch issues with almost every small business owner.
Focusing Your Productivity
Jonathan FieldsI think the art of productivity for me is not getting things done, but getting the right things done. It’s a matter of focusing on the things that really matter that make the biggest difference - the 20-80 rule that we all hear about. It’s a matter of learning how to tune your system - yo...
Articles by Jonathan Fields
The Startup World’s Big Miss
Jonathan FieldsOver the last 5 years, we’ve seen the release of a stream of books like Eric Ries’ The Lean Startup that do a wonderful job of systematizing a near-maniacal focus on the customer. Especially assumptions about the customer.
Previous Events featuring Jonathan Fields
Review: The Art of Small Business - Toronto 2013
The Art OfOur inaugural small business conference kicked off Small Business Month in Toronto, bringing together Canada's top entrepreneurial talent in one room.
Have you seen Jonathan Fields speak? What did you think?