Avinash Kaushik
Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google, Bestselling Author and Co-Founder of Market Motive Inc.

Analytics is vitally important, and no one explains it more elegantly, more simply, or more powerfully than Avinash Kaushik.
Avinash Kaushik is the Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google and the co Founder of Market Motive Inc.
Through his blog, Occam's Razor, and his best selling books, Web Analytics: An Hour A Day and Web Analytics 2.0, Avinash has become recognized as an authoritative voice on how executive teams can leverage digital platforms and data to out-innovate their competitors and achieve superior financial results.
Avinash puts common sense frameworks around the often frenetic digital world, and combines that with the philosophy that investing in talented individuals is the key to long-term success. He passionately advocates customer centricity and leveraging bleeding edge competitive intelligence techniques.
Avinash has received rave reviews for bringing his energetic, inspiring, and practical insights to companies like P&G, Dell, Time Warner, Chase Bank, Hyatt, Porsche, and IBM. He has delivered keynotes at a variety of global conferences, including Search Engine Strategies, Ad-Tech, Monaco Media Forum, iCitizen, JMP Innovators' Summit and Web 2.0.
Acting on his passion for teaching Avinash has lectured at major universities such as Stanford University, University of Virginia, University of California – Los Angeles and University of Utah. He is also on the Advisory Board of University of Toronto Rotman School of Management's program on CRM Excellence as well as on the Advisory Board of University of California at Irvine's program on Web Intelligence.
Avinash has received honors such as Statistical Advocate of the Year award from the American Statistical Association, Rising Star award from the Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, and Most Influential Industry Contributor from the Digital Analytics Association.
Videos featuring Avinash Kaushik
Avinash Kaushik: The Art of Marketing Q&A
Avinash KaushikLike what you see? Don't miss the next The Art of Marketing conference! Avinash Kaushik, digital marketing evangelist for Google and CEO of Market Motive, recently sat down with The Art Of at our backstage studio to talk web analytics, marketing and what it takes to get started in toda...
Articles by Avinash Kaushik View All
Top 5 Lessons: The Art of Marketing
Avinash Kaushik1. Stop Shoving People Down the Marketing Funnel The marketing funnel is an outdated framework to guide decision making, but we can’t expect our customers to follow a specific path down the “funnel”. Consider the See, Think, Do, Care framework instead.
Three Deadly Digital Marketing & Analytics Myths, De-Mythified
Avinash KaushikNothing worth doing is without a collection of awesome myths.
Smarter Negotiations: 10 Key Elements of a Total Compensation Package
Avinash KaushikSmarter Negotiations: 10 Key Elements of a Total Compensation Package "KFC’s salary offer is $58,000 and Greyhound's offer is $64,000.
Why Do Most Executive Dashboards Suck So Much?
Avinash KaushikDespite the many big promises of big data there is big disappointment that our companies are not truly data-driven.
World’s Greatest Social Media Strategy
Avinash KaushikHere’s the standard social media cycle: 1. Get outrageously excited about social. 2. Rush into a social strategy headlong. 3. Lots of tweeting, facebooking, Google plussing. 4.
Truly Winning With Digital: Solving for Both Own and Rent
Avinash KaushikMarketers were simply responsible for creating a demand for their products or services. Someone else took care of the consumer relationship – pre or post sale. All that changed with the web.
You Are What You Measure, So Choose Your Incentives Wisely!
Avinash KaushikWhile there is a great deal of appreciation for the power of metrics/data, I've come to realize that Sr. Leaders don't quite appreciate the deep, and often corrosive, consequences of choosing metric x over metric y.
The 2015 Digital Marketing Rule Book
Avinash KaushikIt is such a cliché to say that the web has radically transformed companies, and indeed entire industries. Yet I believe that the greatest transformation is our ability to find audiences, influence them about our proposition to them is still ahead of us.
Previous Events featuring Avinash Kaushik
Conference Summary: The Art of Marketing - Toronto 2016
The Art OfThe Art of Marketing conference came to Toronto featuring five incredible thought leaders including: Avinash Kaushik, Stephen Shapiro, Bethany Mota, Adam Garone and Morgan Spurlock and hosted by Ron Tite.
Have you seen Avinash Kaushik speak? What did you think?