Work With People You Don't Like
We have all heard the expression, “opposites attract.” But in fact there is irrefutable scientific evidence that in relationships, opposites repel...
We have all heard the expression, “opposites attract.” But in fact there is irrefutable scientific evidence that in relationships, opposites repel...
You talk a lot in the book about the need to design better products and systems that take into account human limitations. Are you generally positive...
A while back, I had the opportunity to spend time with the CEO of one of America’s most successful companies, a legendary organization known for...
Trailblazing a New Frontier in Leadership Getting to “wow” in life is an important and life-long journey – from cradle to grave. Being an enterprising...
While most executives believe the vast majority of employees are on board with their company's culture, what if their squeaky wheels are actually...
Today we make room for a remarkably narrow range of personality styles. We’re told that to be great is to be bold, to be happy is to be sociable. We see..
The Canadian Armed Forces has always embraced a very pointed theory about leadership. It’s called distributed leadership and its premise is quite...
A growing number of companies talk about the benefits of adopting web 2.0 tools inside the organization, but the list is short for companies that are...
I’ve always been fascinated by the failures of genius. Consider Bob Dylan. How did the same songwriter who produced Blood on the Tracks...
It’s hard to be in the innovation business and not worship Steve Jobs. Since his death on October 5, 2011, he has been universally eulogized with the kind...
All the competitive advantages we’ve been pursuing during our careers are gone. That’s right. Strategy. Technology. Finance. Marketing...
On August 24, 2011, the day Steve Jobs resigned as chief executive officer of Apple, he attended a meeting of the company’s board of directors...