Simon Sinek
Renowned Leadership Expert & Bestselling Author, Start With Why

Simon's candid perspective and clear insight will foster the success of our newest senior leaders for many years and made our important forum an outstanding success.
Simon Sinek teaches leaders and companies how to inspire people.
Sinek is leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them. He writes, consults and speaks all over the world about the power of Why - the purpose, cause or belief that drives every one of us. If everyone knew why they do what they do, and if everyone only did the things that inspired them, Sinek believes that this world would be an amazing place.
A trained ethnographer, Sinek has held a life-long curiosity for why people and organizations do the things they do. Studying the leaders and companies that make the greatest impact in the world and achieve a more lasting success than others, he discovered the formula that explains how they do it. Sinek’s amazingly simple idea, ‘The Golden Circle’, is grounded in the biology of human decision-making and is changing how leaders and companies think and act.
Sinek’s unconventional and innovative views on business and leadership have attracted international attention and have earned him invitations to meet with an array of leaders and organizations, including: Microsoft, GE Silicones, AOL, New York City Ballet, Members of the United States Congress, the Director of HIV/AIDS Policy for the US Department of Health and Human Services and 1-800-GOT-JUNK? (one of America’s fastest growing franchises). Sinek has also had the honor of presenting his philosophy to the Ambassadors of Bahrain and Iraq, and to the senior leadership of the United States Air Force.
Sinek shares his optimism with all who will listen, speaking at conventions and corporate gatherings around the globe. Additionally, he has written and commented for local and national press, including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, FastCompany, CMO Magazine, NPR and BusinessWeek. Sinek is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, BrandWeek, IncBizNet and makes regular guest appearances on MSNBC’s Your Business, among others.
Sinek serves on the board of advisors for First 30 Days and sweetriot. Active in the not-for-profit world, Simon also works with the EFE Foundation, Count Me In. He lives in New York, where he teaches graduate level strategic communications at Columbia University.
Sinek’s first book, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, was published in October 2009.
Articles by Simon Sinek
Inspire Action
Simon SinekHere are two ways to influence behavior: you can manipulate it, or inspire it. Manipulations are simple and effective short term, but they are expensive to maintain and unstable long-term. Inspiration takes more discipline, but the long-term impact is astounding.
Employees Are People Too
Simon SinekBefore there was empathy at the company, going to work felt like, well, work. On any given morning, the factory employees would stand at their machines waiting to start at the sound of the bell. And when it rang, on cue they would flip the switches and power up the machines in front of them.
What's More Important, The Sale or Your Reputation?
Simon SinekOne definition of a prostitute is someone who sacrifices their good name in order to make a buck.
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